Organizational design

Has your change in strategy, business model, human capital, or governance changed? Are the roles, responsibilities, and organization chart no longer in sync? Organizational design is ideal to help you convey your strategy by establishing a structure that will allow for alignment at different levels of your organization, such as your structure, ways of collaborating, and expertise.

Redesign the structure of your organization to align it with your objectives

Building on the results of an organizational diagnosis, the organizational design process makes it possible to organize work based on high value-added activities to improve organizational performance and efficiency. You will then be able to clarify your managers’ and teams’ roles and responsibilities while identifying the skills and expertise needed to support the target structure.

Aviseo’s collaborative, engaging approach is based on the following four steps:

  • Diagnosis of the current situation and activity mapping to identify value-added activities (value chain approach);
  • Development of guiding principles that support the target design and plausible structure scenarios, so that the group can select the scenario that works best;
  • Implementation of the selected structure (transition plan, change management and communications strategy, staffing strategy for the new structure, etc.);
  • Monitoring of the implementation (measuring team adherence to the new structure, identifying opportunities to improve and update the structure, etc.).

Organizational design does not just consist of moving boxes around on an organization chart — it ensures optimal alignment between various components of an organization (strategy, governance, structure, processes, expertise).

Drawing on our experience in this area, we have developed a number of set views related to organizational design:

  • Base the design approach on a diagnosis that highlights the organization’s real challenges;
  • Establish guiding principles that support the design and are in line with the organization’s strategic ambitions;
  • Capitalize on the organization’s collective intelligence to develop value-added growth scenarios based on the business’ reality;
  • Skillfully use the momentum created between the design of the new structure and its announcement to limit concerns.